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NFL Concussion Lawsuit Tracker: Number 54 & 55

2012 April 2
by Paul Anderson

On April 2, 2012, The Locks Law Firm kept its weekly streak alive by filing the 54th and 55th concussion-related lawsuits. There are now more than 1,060 — roughly 1,069 — players involved. The first is a mass tort, exactly like the other lawsuits filed by Lock’s in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, John “Golden” Richards, et al v. NFL. The other lawsuit, also filed in the E.D. of Penn, names longtime Detroit Lions Quarterback, Greg Landry and his wife as plaintiffs, Landry et al v. NFL.

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As inaccurately reported over the weekend, the Richards’ lawsuit includes Curt Warner, but he is not “joining Rypien’s concussion lawsuit.” Rather, Warner is a named plaintiff in the Richards’ lawsuit. In other words, they are separate lawsuits.

The Richards’ lawsuit also names the youngest player to join the litigation thus far, twenty-seven-year old, Brandon Register.

Of course, the lawsuits will continue to be filed in the coming weeks. They will eventually become “tag-along actions” or “related-actions” and be consolidated with the mutli-district litigation proceedings taking place in front of Judge Brody.

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