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Jonathan Lee Riches Tries to Intervene In NFL Concussion Lawsuits

2012 May 30
by Paul Anderson

The litigious felon, Jonathan Lee Riches, known for filing frivolous lawsuits throughout the country has attempted to join the lawsuits against the NFL.

Yesterday, Riches filed a notice to intervene in Eric Dickerson’s lawsuit. Essentially, requesting the court to allow him to take part in the litigation.

Riches asserts a plethora of ludicrous claims.

Riches claims to have been discriminated by the NFL when he worked as a “water boy.” According to Riches, Roger Goodell told him “personally that I have to give Michael Vick massages and CPR during…Eagle games.”

Riches then goes on to state that Jonathan Vilma put a “bounty on my head.”  And, then he attempts to tie a series of events, such as Plaxico Burress’s shooting incident and Ben Roethlisberger’s motorcycle crash, as a conspiracy to “silence me from whistle blowing NFL abuse.”

Clearly, this is another rambling attempt by Riches to remain the “king of pro se whackjobs.”

You can read the ridiculous motion below.

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Of course, Riches has no shot at getting involved in the lawsuits, and there is probably a good chance he will be sanctioned, or thrown back in jail, for wasting the court’s time.


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