Q & A with Bryan E. Round, NFLPA Designated Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Hey Bryan, thanks for allowing me to interview you.
Tell me about your duties as a designated NFLPA Workers’ Compensation Panel Attorney.
Since the workers’ compensation laws in each state are different, the National Football League Players Association has designated workers’ compensation panel attorneys in each city with an NFL team. The players on the team in that town are not obligated to use that attorney, however there are unique challenges facing a workers’ compensation case involving a professional athlete in the State of Missouri. The panel attorney has a national network of attorneys to consult with and has significant experience in handling these claims.
Do you represent solely football players or athletes from other professional sports, too?
I have represented players from the Kansas City Chiefs, the Kansas City Royals, minor league players in the Royals farm system, the St. Louis Rams, the St. Louis Blues, the Kansas City Blades, the Kansas City Brigade and the Kansas City Wizards.
What are the most common injuries you see in football?
Although I have represented athletes with injures to almost every part of the body, the most common are heads, knees, shoulders and backs.
If you can quantify, how successful are the injury claims?
Missouri statutory restrictions not withstanding, nearly every carefully analyzed and investigated workers’ compensation claim is compensable and has resulted in a successful outcome.
Do the awards provide lifetime coverage for continuing medical care?
Continuing medical care is an issue directly tied to the injury and the prognosis related to necessary treatment in the future. As each case is unique, the issue of medical care is a case-by-case proposition driven by the peculiar facts of each athlete and the injury he has suffered. However, in the right circumstance, future medical care is a very important part of the resolution to a workers’ compensation claim.
Do the Clubs vigorously attempt to deny coverage?
Clubs will generally not deny coverage, but they will strenuously contest and litigate the nature and extent of an injury.
Have you represented a client suffering with cognitive issues (i.e. concussion-related symptoms, severe headaches, memory loss, dementia, etc.)?
Yes, I have represented players for claims in cognitive loss situations.
Has a Club denied coverage due to concussion-related symptoms?
Clubs have certainly contested the nature and extent of injuries related to concussions, but I have been fortunate enough to prevail in these type of cases which I have brought. However, the concussion-related lawsuits are a different cause of action, which will be brought in different courts and are distinct from any workers’ compensation claims that the player may have filed.
How well educated are your clients and the players in regard to concussions?
As a general proposition concerning the issue of concussions, the player’s diagnosis, treatment and long-term effects are just coming to the fore in the National Football League. As such, most players have not been provided with a very strong working knowledge of concussions and how they should be treated. There is certainly a lack of scientific data addressing the long-term effects of those who have suffered concussions during their playing career which is an important aspect of the remedy sought in the concussion-related lawsuits.
Although we rarely see them and they don’t get the glory (or pay) like the starters, it seems that the Practice Squad guys (at least prior to 2011) are at the same risk of getting concussions and suffering from long-term brain injuries?
Games are only a small part of the time players spend on the job and practice squad players are every bit as prone and likely to experience injury as any other player. I strongly believe that both physically and mentally, players who have suffered concussions are as injured as those who exhibit accepted injuries such as those to knees and shoulders.
Do you think former players suffering with concussion-related symptoms should join the concussion lawsuits?
The choice of a lawyer is an important one, but I believe that each person is entitled to his or her day in court. The team of attorney’s in the Kansas City area working on the concussion-related lawsuits are of the highest caliber and are some of the most experienced and successful litigators in the nation.
Thanks, Bryan.
If you are a former player and want to discuss whether you are a candidate to participate in the concussion-related lawsuits, you can contact Bryan E. Round by clicking here.
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I sustained a career ending injury